Eslam Nazemi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Eslam Nazemi

Computer Science and Engineering / Software and Information Systems

Journal Paper

  1. "An mHealth Self-management System for Support Children With Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and Their Caregivers: Qualitative Co-design Study"
    Hamed Mehdizadeh, Farkhondeh Asadi, Hassan Emami, Azim Mehrvar, Eslam Nazemi
    JMIR Formative Research, Vol. 6, pp.469-482, 2022
  2. "A self-organising organisational paradigm for using multi-agent systems in traffic control application of VANETs"
    Mir Bagher Hosseini, Amin Rahmanzadeh, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 38, pp.143-153, 2022
  3. "Applications, features and key indicators for the development of Covid-19 dashboards: A systematic review study"
    Akram Vahedi, Hamid Moghaddasi, Farkhondeh Asadi, Azam Sadat Hossieni, Eslam Nazemi
    Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Vol. 30, 2022
  4. "An autonomous model for self-optimizing virtual machine selection by learning automata in cloud environment"
    Negin Najafizadegan, Eslam Nazemi, Vahid Khajehvand
    SOFTWARE-PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE, Vol. 51, pp.1352-1386, 2021
  5. "Entropy-based goal-oriented emergence management in self-organizing systems through feedback control loop: A case study in NASA ANTS mission"
    Somayeh Kalantari, Eslam Nazemi, Behrooz Masoumi
  6. "CONST: Continuous online NoSQL schema tuning"
    Maryam Mozafari, Eslam Nazemi, Amir-Masoud Eftekhari-Moghadam
    SOFTWARE-PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE, Vol. 51, pp.1147-1169, 2021
  7. "An agent-based self-protective method to secure communication between UAVs in unmanned aerial vehicle networks"
    Reza Fotohi, Eslam Nazemi, Fereidoon Shams Aliee
    Vehicular Communications, Vol. 26, 2020
  8. "Feedback control loop design for workload change detection in self-tuning NoSQL wide column stores"
    Maryam Mozafari, Eslam Nazemi, Amir Masoud Eftekhari-Moghadam
  9. "Clustering Algorithms for Smart Objects in IOT environment: A Systematic Review"
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 2020
  10. "A MAPE-K Loop Based Model for Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers"
    Negin Najafizadegan, Eslam Nazemi, Vahid Khajehvand
    Qazvin Islamic Azad University Journal of Computer and Robotics, Vol. 13, pp.33-60, 2020
  11. "Emergence phenomena in self-organizing systemsa systematic literature review of concepts, researches, and future prospects"
    Somayeh Kalantari, Eslam Nazemi, Behrooz Masoumi
  12. "OMCM-CAS: organisational model and coordination mechanism for self-adaptation and self-organisation in collective adaptive systems"
    Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol. 16, pp.43-64, 2020
  13. "Smartphone apps to help children and adolescents with cancer and their families: a scoping review"
    Hamed mehdizadeh, Farkhondeh Asadi, Azim Mehrvar, Eslam Nazemi, Hassan Emmami
    ACTA ONCOLOGICA, Vol. 58, pp.1003-1014, 2019
  14. "An autonomic mechanism based on ant colony pattern for detecting the source of incidents in complex enterprise systems"
    Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafi, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. 10, pp.497-511, 2019
  15. "A Model for Selecting the Best Organizational Paradigm at Run Time for Self-Organizing Multi-Agent Systems; an IoT Case Study"
    Amin Rahmanzadeh, Mastoore Rahmani, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research (IJICT, Vol. 11, pp.30-40, 2019
  16. "An Approach for Managing the Objects in the Internet of Things Using Swarm Intelligence"
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Vol. 18, pp.274-282, 2019
  17. "An approach to XBRL interoperability based on Ant Colony Optimization algorithm"
    Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafi, Eslam Nazemi
    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, Vol. 163, pp.342-357, 2019
  18. "An approach for predicting health status in IoT health care"
    Azadeh Zamanifar, Eslam Nazemi
  19. "Development of a Catheterization and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Registry with a Data Management Approach: A Systematic Review"
    Alireza Tabatabei Tabrizi, Hamid Moghaddasi, Reza Rabiei, Babak Sharif-Kashani, Eslam Nazemi
    Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, Vol. 16, pp.1-30, 2019
  20. "EECASC: an energy efficient communication approach in smart cities"
    Azadeh Zamanifar, Eslam Nazemi
    WIRELESS NETWORKS, Vol. 25, pp.1-16, 2018
  21. "Intelligent Computer Systems for Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis: a Systematic Review of Reasoning Techniques and Methods"
    Leila Akramian Arani, Azamossadat Hosseini, Farkhondeh Asadi, Seyed Ali Masoud, Eslam Nazemi
    acta informatica medica, Vol. 26, pp.258-264, 2018
  22. "From Object-Z speci cation to Groovy implementation"
    Farzin Zaker, Hassan Haghighi, Eslam Nazemi
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 25, pp.3415-3441, 2018
  23. "A Mobility Solution for Hazardous Areas Based on 6LoWPAN"
    Azadeh Zamanifar, Eslam Nazemi, Mojtaba Vahidi Asl
    MOBILE NETWORKS and APPLICATIONS, Vol. 23, pp.1-16, 2017
  24. "OMCM-CAS Organizational Model and Coordination Mechanism for Self-adaptation and Self-organization in Collective Adaptive Systems"
    Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi, GIACOMO Cabri
    International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol. 8, pp.1-21, 2017
    Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi, GIACOMO CABRI, NICOLA CAPODIECI
    Scalable Computing, Vol. 18, pp.91-103, 2017
  26. "Planning in Self-Adaptive Systems by using Constraint Satisfaction Problem"
    , Saeidi Ladan, Eslam Nazemi
  27. "A Self-Healing Architecture Based on Rainbow for Industrial Usage"
    Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi, GIACOMO CABRI
    Scalable Computing, Vol. 17, pp.343-360, 2016
  28. "DMP-IOT A distributed movement prediction scheme for IOT health-care applications"
    Azadeh Zamanifar, Eslam Nazemi, Mojtaba Vahidi Asl
    COMPUTERS and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 58, pp.310-326, 2016
  29. "DSHMP-IOT A distributed self healing movement prediction scheme for internet of things applications"
    Azadeh Zamanifar, Eslam Nazemi, Mojtaba Vahidi Asl
    APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 45, pp.569-589, 2016
    Amin Rahmanzadeh, Eslam Nazemi
    international journal of computer networks communications, Vol. 3, pp.337-342, 2015
  31. "BISC A Framework for Aligning Business Intelligence with Corporate Strategies Based on Enterprise Architecture Framework"
    Atieh Dokhanchi, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 11, pp.90-106, 2015
  32. "A new organization model for self-organizing multi-agent systems based on self-adaptation features"
    Amin Rahmanzadeh, Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol. 3, pp.15-22, 2014
  33. "A Cross Layer Autonomic Enabled Architecture for VANETs"
    Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    international journal of computer networks communications, Vol. 2, pp.366-373, 2014
  34. "Propose a Conceptual Model of Adaptive Competitive IntelligenceACI)"
    Sareh Mohamadalian, Eslam Nazemi,
    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Vol. 4, pp.22-30, 2013
  35. "Knowledge-Intensive Enterprise Systems (KES) A Novel Concept"
    , , Eslam Nazemi,
    journal of basic and applied scientific research (MSRT BLACKLIST), Vol. 10, pp.10508-10524, 2012
  36. "Query Architecture Expansion in Web Using Fuzzy Multi Domain Ontology"
    Shaghayegh Rabiee Kenari, Eslam Nazemi
    Qazvin Islamic Azad University Journal of Computer and Robotics, Vol. 5, pp.15-21, 2012
  37. "A review of enterprise performance Concepts and frameworks"
    , Eslam Nazemi,
    African journal of business managment, Vol. 6, pp.6331-6338, 2012
  38. "ERP A Literature Survey"
    Eslam Nazemi, Mohammad Jafar Tarokh, G. Reza Djavanshir
  39. "Improving the Performance of Proposed Multi-Agent Domain Specific Search Engine Using Query Refinement Component"
    Eslam Nazemi, Elmira Hajmani
    international journal of information communication technology, Vol. 02, pp.69-78, 2011
  40. "Survey of BPR Experiences in Iran Reasons for Success and Failure"
    , Eslam Nazemi,
    Journal of business and Industrial Marketing, 2008
  41. "Performance Measurement in Industrial Organizations Case Study Zarbal Complex"
    Eslam Nazemi, Mohammad Jafar Tarokh
    Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 02, pp.54-69, 2006
  42. "Improving the Self-adaptive Authorization Framework and solve its cold start problem using the concept of trust and I-sharing"
    Elham Moeinaddini, Eslam Nazemi
    Vol. 11, pp.76-90, 2022
  43. ""
    Negin Najafizadegan, Eslam Nazemi, Vahid Khajehvand
    Vol. 10, pp.82-99, 2021
  44. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, Sarvin Memarian, Amin Rahmanzadeh
    pp.2-14, 2020
  45. "A New Solution for Workload Change Detection in Self-Tuning NoSQL Database"
    Maryam Mozafari, Eslam Nazemi, Amir Masoud Eftekhari Moghadam
    Vol. 49, pp.1317-1331, 2019
  46. "A Method for Dynamic Segmentation of Customer Base in an Adaptive Business Intelligence System"
    Gazal Ghanbaripanah, Eslam Nazemi, Saeideh Rajaee Harandi
    Vol. 49, pp.1259-1271, 2019
  47. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    Vol. 15, pp.52-59, 2018
  48. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    Vol. 10, pp.105-129, 2017
  49. ""
    Javad Asadi, Eslam Nazemi
    Vol. 2, pp.16-33, 2017
  50. ""
    Somayeh Rahmani, Seyed abdollah Amin Mpsavi, Eslam Nazemi, Saeid Emmami
    Vol. 2, pp.64-76, 2017
  51. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    pp.31-44, 2017
  52. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, Hossien Sadr, Mozhdek Nazari Soleimandarabi
    Vol. 1, pp.54-64, 2016
  53. ""
    Hamid Moghadasi, Reza Rabiei, Eslam Nazemi, Sholeh Bigdeli
    Vol. 14, pp.300-313, 2016
  54. "Ensemble of Community Detection in Social Networks"
    , Rasoul Hossienzadeh Falahinejad, Eslam Nazemi
    journal of iranian association of electrical and electronics engineering, Vol. 11, pp.49-60, 2015
  55. ""
    , , , Eslam Nazemi,
    Vol. 9, pp.37-46, 2013
  56. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, Vahid Naderi
    Vol. 12, pp.66-75, 2012
  57. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, Esmaeil Sharifi, Mohammad Jafar Tarokh
    pp.145-155, 2007
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    Vol. 5, pp.35-42, 2007
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    Eslam Nazemi, ,
    Vol. 02, pp.60-66, 2006
  60. "Analysis and Evaluation of Software Development Models"
    Eslam Nazemi, Ayda Esmaili
    Gozaresh-e Computer- Informatics Society of Iran, Vol. 28, pp.9-19, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    Vol. 22, pp.1-29, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi, , , ,
    Vol. 02, pp.90-97, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi, , , ,
    Vol. 02, pp.99-104, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi, , , ,
    Vol. 02, pp.105-109, 2006
  65. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, , , ,
    Vol. 02, pp.91-95, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "Social Internet of Things: Interoperability and Autonomous Computing Challenges"
    Sarvin Memarian, Bahar Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    COINS 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems, pp.61-67, 2020
  2. "Data Reduction in Self-Adaptive Internet of Things Systems"
    Ali Bazghandi, Eslam Nazemi
    8th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2019), pp.237-244, 2019
  3. "Improvement of Robot Navigation"
    Mustafa Nazari, Eslam Nazemi
    The 3rd joint conference of AI Robotics and the 5th RoboCup IranOpen International Symposium, 2013
  4. "An Automatic Approach for Topic Maps Development Using Rational Database"
    Eslam Nazemi
    3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2011) Shanghai China 11 13 March 2011, 2012
  5. "An Application of Topic Map-based Ontology Generation from Wikipedia for Query Expansion"
    Eslam Nazemi
    3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011) 26 to 28 February 2011 Singapore, pp.350-354, 2012
  6. ""
    Eslam Nazemi
    the 2nd international conference on contemporary issues in computer and information sciences, pp.105-110, 2012
  7. "A policy Based Access Control Model for Web Services"
    Eslam Nazemi
    6th International Conference on Information Technology and Secured Transactions(ICITS 2011) Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 11-14 Dec 2011, pp.472-477, 2011
  8. ""
    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2011
  9. "A Model for Atomatic Vechicular adhoc Network"
    Ali Farahani, Kavan Sedighiani, Maghsoud Abbaspour, Eslam Nazemi
    2nd World Conference on Information Technology, pp.12-12, 2011
  10. "An Organizational Nodel for Autonomic Intelligent Distributed Systems"
    Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafie, Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    2nd World Conference on Information Technology, pp.73-73, 2011
  11. "Evaluation Performance Attributes of Component-based Software Architecture"
    Seyyed Saner Jalili, Hassan Rashidi, Eslam Nazemi
    5th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (UKSim 2011), 2011
  12. "A New Approach to Evaluate Performance of Component-based Software Architecture"
    Hassan Rashidi, Eslam Nazemi
    5th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (UKSim 2011), pp.451-456, 2011
  13. "Improving Attribute Access Control Model for Web Services"
    Eslam Nazemi
    7th International Conference on Next Generation Web services Practices(NWESP 2011) Spain 19-21 Oct. 2011, 2011
  14. "Study of Access Control Issue for Web Services"
    Eslam Nazemi
    7th International Conference on Next Generation Web services Practices(NWESP 2011) Spain 19-21 Oct. 2011, 2011
  15. "A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Service Identification"
    Ali KAZEMI, Ali Rostampoor, Eslam Nazemi, Fereidoon Shams Aliee,
    The 8th International Conference on Service Computing(SCC11) USA 4-9 July 2011, pp.339-346, 2011
  16. "a genetic algorithm based approach to service identification"
    Eslam Nazemi
    IEEE international workshop on services discovery, 2011
  17. ""
    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2011
  18. "Large-scale Information Sharing in Rescue Simulation environment"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    3rd RoboCup IranOpen Symposium and 1st Iran s Joint Conference of Robotics AI, 2011
  19. "A Complementary Approach for an Ontology- based Question Answering System"
    Mahtab Javadi Paydar, Eslam Nazemi
    International Conference on Security Science and Technology(ICSST 2011), 2011
  20. "Business Process Evaluation A Genetic based Approach"
    Amin Zamiri, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    3rd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE2011) Chongqing, pp.101-107, 2011
  21. "Notification of Accetance of the 2 nd ICCET 2010"
    Sedigheh Hosseinzadeh Khazrooghi, Eslam Nazemi
    ICCET 2010, 2010
  22. ""
    Eslam Nazemi, Mehrnoush Shamsfard
    , 2010
  23. ""
    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2010
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    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2010
  25. "solution for multi-agent coordination using integrated GA-Fuzzy Approach in Rescue Simulation Environment"
    Ashkan Radmand, Eslam Nazemi
    2nd international workshop on agent technology for disaster management (ATDM9), 2009
  26. "team description paper SBCe-Saviour Virtual robots League -2009"
    Eslam Nazemi, Ashkan Radmand,
    Robo Cup 2009, 2009
  27. "integrated genetic algorithmic and fuzzy logic approach for decision making of police force agents in rescue simulation environment"
    Ashkan Radmand, Eslam Nazemi,
    Robo Cup 2009, 2009
  28. "Dynamic Control of Inference Problem"
    Eslam Nazemi
    International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, 2009
    Eslam Nazemi, Mohammad Kazem Fallah, moghari,
  30. "An agent-based architecture with centralized management for a distance learning system"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    International conference on computational intelligence and multimedia applications, 2007
  31. "Software Quality Models and Assessment"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    5th International Conference on Computer Engineering- IASTED, 2007
  32. "Complete Autonomous Coach Agent in Adversial Enviroment"
    Eslam Nazemi
    IEEE Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation Conference- IMAACA2007, 2007
  33. "Enterprise Resource Planning and Performance Measurement"
    Eslam Nazemi
    The 9th World Multi - conference on Syslamics Cybernetics and Informatics, 2005
  34. "Designing a model to use Omnichannel in banking industry based on BIAN framework"
    Ali Abediniyan, Fatemeh Mahdavi Azar, Eslam Nazemi
    National Conference on Advances in Enterprise Architecture (NCAEA), pp.51-51, 2021
  35. ""
    Elham Moeinaddini, Monireh Abdoos, Eslam Nazemi
    11th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT), 2020
  36. ""
    Ali Farahani, Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafi, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2020
  37. ""
    Sarvin Memarian, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.56-56, 2020
  38. ""
    Saleh Rad, Eslam Nazemi
    CSICC 2019, pp.382-392, 2019
  39. ""
    Ali Rezaei, Eslam Nazemi
    2nd National Conference on Advances in Enterprise Architecture, No 1 , pp.162-169, 2018
  40. ""
    Hamed Halvaei Khankahdani, Eslam Nazemi
    2nd National Conference on Advances in Enterprise Architecture, No 1 , pp.205-212, 2018
  41. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Eslam Nazemi
    The first national conference on advances in enterprise architecture, pp.139-144, 2017
  42. ""
    Ramina Farshadi, Eslam Nazemi, Neda Abdolvand
    The first national conference on advances in enterprise architecture, pp.115-123, 2017
  43. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Eslam Nazemi
    The first national conference on advances in enterprise architecture, pp.145-154, 2017
  44. "An online learning algorithm for planning to improve availability and performance of self-adaptive websites"
    Zynab Taghizadeh Dezfolli, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.54-59, 2017
  45. ""
    Davood Vahdat, Fereidoon Shams Aliee, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.1-12, 2017
  46. "Decision-Making in Self-Adaptive Systems using Constraint SatisfacationProblem"
    Ladan Saeidi, Eslam Nazemi
    4th Iranian joint congress of fuzzy and intelligent systems, pp.1-6, 2015
  47. ""
    Amin Rahmanzadeh, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2013
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    Reza Mohebbi, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.90-94, 2013
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    Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.89-90, 2013
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    Zeynab Honarmand, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2013
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    Mitra Yarinezhad, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2013
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    Rasoul Hossienzadeh Falahinejad, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2013
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2012
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    Kamaleddin Yaghoobirafie, Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2012
  55. "Investigation self Organization Models in Multi agents Systems and Proposed improvements for these Models"
    Amin Rahmanzadeh, Ali Farahani, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.249-249, 2012
  56. "Proposed a New Method Based on LHS in Commander Systems"
    Amir Hashemi, Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.118-118, 2012
  57. "Review of Monitoring Frameworks in Self Adaptive Systems"
    Eslam Nazemi
    , pp.256-256, 2012
  58. "A Comperihensive Model for Organization Readiness Assessment in ERP Acceptance"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    , pp.268-268, 2012
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    Hassan Rashidi, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2012
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2012
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    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2011
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    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2011
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    Tara Akhavan, Eslam Nazemi
    , 2010
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    Eslam Nazemi
    , 2009
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2009
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2009
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    ictm, 2009
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    ictm, 2009
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2009
  70. "A New Approach to Early Software ReliabilityPrediction Based on a Formal Specification of System"
    Eslam Nazemi
    12 Annual International CSI Computer Conference(CSICC 07), pp.175-175, 2007
  71. "E Learning Architectures"
    Eslam Nazemi
    12 th Annual International CSI Computer Conference(CSICC 2007), pp.160-160, 2007
  72. "Software architecture Evaluation Methods"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    12 th Annual International Computer Confrence(CSICC 07), pp.161-161, 2007
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    4th International Management Conference, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , pp.67-80, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , pp.81-94, 2006
  76. "Evaluation of Software Resource Estimation"
    Eslam Nazemi,
    First Reginal Conference in Computer Engineering, pp.120-135, 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    11th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2006), 2006
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    Eslam Nazemi,
    , 2006